Grants to Patients suffering from T.B/Cancer and other malignant diseases
Name of the scheme : Grants to patients suffering from T.B./Cancer and other major diseases.
Objective of the scheme:- The objective of the scheme is to provide financial assistance in the form of one-time grants to patients belonging to Tea Tribes community who are undergoing medical treatment in connection with Eye Diseases, Tuberculosis(TB), Eye Cataract, Accident, Auto Immune Diseases/ Liver Diseases/Nerve Disorder/ Cancer Kidney Diseases/ Dialysis/ Major | Operations/ Bone Diseases like Rheumatoid Arthritis/BoneFractures/ Elephantiasis, Heart Diseases and Strokes.
Rates of Grants:
i. Eye Diseases : Rs. 5,000.00
i. TB (Tuberculosis)/Eye Cataract :Rs. 10,000.00
ii. Accident :Rs. 15,000.00
iv. Auto Immune Diseases/Liver Diseases/ Nerve Disorder/Cancer/Kidney Diseases/|Dialysis/Major Operations/Bone Diseases like Rheumatoid Arthritis/Bone Fractures &Elephantiasis :Rs. 50,000.00
v. Heart Diseases/Strokes:Rs. 75,000.00
Name of the implementing agency: Directorate of Tea Tribes & Adivasi Welfare
Eligible Criteria:
The eligibility criteria for selection of beneficiaries are as follows:
- The candidate must be a permanent resident of Assam and must belong to Tea Tribes Community.
- The candidate must produce Caste Certificate (OBC/M0BC -TGL/Ex-TGL) which is duly certified by concerned Authorities.
- Under the scheme only one beneficiary in a family should be selected so that maximum number of beneficiary families may be covered.
- While selecting beneficiaries preference is given to widowaged / unmarried persons/ physically handicapped / BPL families.
- Undertaking on the annual family income stating that it is not exçeeding Rs. 5.00 Lakh per annum to be submitted by the Parent/Guardian
- The applicant should not hold any position under Govt./Semi Govt. Authorities/Boards, not a member of Panchayati Raj Institutions, not a member of Selection Committee, etc.
- Medical certificate from Govt. Doctor, not below the rank of SDMO, confirming the disease of the patient should be submitted.
- Medical reports specifying the nature of disease the person is suffering from issued by a registered medical practitioner/ Doctor under whom the patient is undergoing treatment
should be submitted along-with the application.
- Recommendation letter from the local MLA / MP on the disease and the need for financial assistance under this scheme should also be submitted.